Zombie Attack Roblox Wiki

Last updated: Febuary 2nd 2024

All games has glitches, bugs, zombie attack is also one of them. Here are some notable:


If you found a glitch that is not in this page, please edit this page by adding the glitch that you found (if possible, then you can add some proof as well).

Known bugs[]

This is a list of the known bugs/glitches in Zombie Attack,divided into 4 sections.

Advantage glitches.[]

This is not bugs, this is " a feature"
  • Permanent Jump Boost Glitch - While the Bat/Bat Pumpkin/Dominus/Witchy Llama pet is equipped, equip another pet and you'll keep the jump boost from the bat pet while you still survive.
  • Duplicate Credit glitch - You might get duplicate EXP,Cash, and kills from a single enemy. Read more here: Duplicating Rewards glitch.
  • Playable Zombie shooting glitch. Achiveve this by using the Drop Gun Bug. After dropping your gun, reset your character and quickly rush to where the location of the dropped gun, grab them and play just like a normal player. Remember, players can kill you and you won't be earning anything from bosses.
  • Double Power-up glitch: For some reason if you hold a power up then you can grab another of the same type, but sadly you can't do this glitch any more than 2 times.
  • Item noclip: You can noclip by spam equipping unequipping hex spitter on most walls. Its probably that it works using other gun/kinfes but i didn't test them. It also works best for me when jumping while spamming euqiping and unequiping the items. Its also posible that it doesent work as good on higher framerate but 60 does work i am sure about that.

Playable zombies killing zombies

  • Stuck Boss glitch: -If a boss get stuck on walls, specially creates, he might keep moving, caused his abilities never active.
    • Sometime a boss can "stuck" right in its spawn location and will not despawn when killed, acts like a model.
  • Reindeer/Snowboarding Penguin + Bat push glitch - If you equip the Bat pet from the "Warrior of Light" mission and after a wave, equip the Reindeer pet from Christmas 2021 or Snowboarding Penguin pet from Christmas 2022, walking and jumping infront of a wall pushes you very far away. You can boost the push by using A or S keys, It is also useful on Hard Mode to outrun monsters.
  • High jump zombie glitch - If you equip a jump boost pet while you become a monster, has a chance to increase your jump high.
  • "God Mode" glitch - Upon being tripped by the boss and managed to slide off a cliff (e.g Medieval Map) and your back/your face facing upwards, Zombies won't deal a single damage to you and you can slay them. However Explosive Zombies will untrip you and still deal dmgs,as well as bosses.

Cosmetic glitches.[]

These glitches neither break the game,nor give any attacking advantages.Most of these comes from high pings.
  • Unequipped gun bug - Each time you don't use your gun it is placed at your back (all guns except pistols) or at your side (pistols) but if you keep equipping and unequipping your gun, it will appear at your back or at your side even though it is equipped.
  • Double Gun Bug - Happened each waves cleared or changing weapons. It looks like a player is using 2 guns (at your back and at your side) at the same time, but you can only use one.
  • Drop Gun Bug- Relover and Techno Rifle can be dropped for some reason (pressing backspace) for an unlimited amount and not respawn. Grabbing these when you not equipping it in the shop will disappear from your inventory.
    • However if you got in high batches, it is possible to use it temporary since the game remove 1 of these "illegal" guns per 1.5 s. You still need to own this gun to shoot.(with the exception of new waves, it clear all of them instantly)

Dropped Techno Rifles on a shelf

  • Gun "holding" bug: For some reason right after you spam throwing Grenades or other drop-able power ups and equip your weapon quickly, it will be in the "holding" position, just like when you are holding a power up. Changing weapons will not reset that position and you might have to die/rejoin to do so.
Screenshot 1700466036

"Holding" a minigun.

  • Main Menu theme glitch - When you sometimes respawn, you might hear the Main Menu theme.
  • Camera and spectate -spamming spectate, the playable zombie, and change player spectate button can either causing:
    • You can spectate as playable zombie.
    • You can see spectate UI while in obby, and vice versa.
    • You can spectate in game(if the button are visible), including yourself.
    • You can also still stuck as other's spectation (spectate UI does not show) while in game.
  • Spawn fail glitch - During the time you dead (not in lobby yet) , as soon as the next wave begins, then spectate a player, you will respawn in the lobby the next wave with your weapons. Additionally it is possible to glitch when you dies as playable zombie. This glitch is helpful for killing a zombie if is in the lobby, but in order to spawn in game you might want to reset.
  • Mobile Glitch: Missing zombie torsos - Angels and King Slime boss have no torsos. (Patched)
  • Zombie Avatar glitch - If you click the zombie button at the exact time you respawn, you have a chance of spawning as a zombie but with your avatar accessories and face.
  • Minus Zero glitch: The absolute minimum XP for killing a zombie suprisingly is 0 but the game think it is a minus number.
  • Wrong thumbnail glitch: Dragon Beast pet uses Mega Tank pet's thumbnail instead.
  • Reward UI glitch: sometimes moving while you finished the zombies can cause the +Xp and +$ be slightly off allignment.

Game breaking glitches[]

These glitches can cause some serious trouble in runs or unplayable
  • Demon Overlord glitch - Even when nobody dies it might say game over and end the game.
  • Xbox Glitch: Unplayable on Xbox - if you play on Xbox sometimes you cannot play the game, even though you joined.
  • Mobile UI glitch: After joining a match, the Jump button got bigger and covers the Mute buttons, sometimes can cause difficulties while moving.

Other glitches[]

Don't know where to put in.  
  • Zombies does not move? - Upon dealing damage to a person, he still plays moving animation but stuck in once spot. In one run, only 1 variant of Zombies (Normal or Tank) is affected. (Turns out to be a ROBLOX's server issues-patched)
  • Zombies killing their own teams?: - Bosses's ability can deal damages and even trip to playable zombies, which is very odd.
  • Zombie in lobby glitch - If you click the zombie button you might spawn in the lobby.
  • Stuck Zombie glitch - When playing as a Zombie, if a horde of zombies or zombie variants are chasing another player, they may trample players and cause their legs and torso to be visible on the surface, but the head is stuck in the ground. This is fairly new, so it is unknown if it works on all types of zombies or if the zombie can still be defeated. The player zombie will eventually straighten itself back and return to the surface.
  • Invisible wall climb chismas map -If you use a jump boost pet while holding jump on the invisible wall on the Christmas event map, located between the cave and the big wall, you can climb the wall. This is not necessarily an advantage, but it's a cool trick because you can't shoot through the invisible wall. It might even make people think you are hacking, which adds an element of fun to the game
  • Grenade betrayal glitch - When you have a grenade, By Equipping it and pressing backspace, You'll be able to drop it, After you die and Become a zombie, You can pick up the grenade, And you can also throw it at another zombies and get both cash & EXP.
  • .
The top of the invisible wall

Standing on the invisible wall
